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Book Review: Boudica

Book review: Boudica by Vanessa Collingridge

reviewed by Pat Anderson

Boudica’s dust cover describes it as “groundbreaking”, but not in the sense that new information or artifacts have been found. Many know of her justified rebellion (Roman violation of a peace treaty plus rape of her two young daughters), which almost succeeded in driving them out of Britain (AD 60-61). It does begin, however, with what hard archeological and literary evidence does exist for that...

Tuesday, April 1, 2008 Read More

Book Review: Liffey Rivers and the Mystery of the Winking Judge

Book Review: Liffey Rivers and the Mystery of the Winking Judge by Brenna Brigg

reviewed by Miriam E. Solinsky, Maguire Academy of Irish Dance

I like this book a lot. It is full with secrets and mystery. “Liffey, the wonder girl!” She travels from America to England and Ireland, manages to dance at a feis and solve two mysteries!!!!!!!!! It is a very good book.

Here is a summary for you: In Dublin, Liffey can’t wait to get...

Thursday, February 7, 2008 Read More

Book Review: Sacred Ireland

Book Review: Sacred Ireland by Cary Meehan
reviewed by Pat Anderson

There is a small innocuous-looking travel book that will knock your
history-seeking socks off! Just the size of the average paperback, it
is much heavier than it appears, and there is a good reason for that.

The cover reads: “The Traveller’s Guide to Sacred Ireland” and one
might assume it’s just another dull list of old mouldy churches and
tumbled standing...

Monday, April 16, 2007 Read More

Book Review: Liffey Rivers and the Mystery of The Sparkling Solo Dress

A review by Brin Wassenberg, Tir Conaill Academy of Irish Dance

Monday, February 5, 2007 Read More

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